

The traditional idea of an oriental bazaar as a place of abundant merchandise, brightness of colours and lively bustle finds its embodiment in Uzbekistan. A perfect bazaar is crammed with produce, it has a motley appearance, and allows loud voices and exclamations; it is a place in which bargaining is intrinsic. An oriental bazaar is not only a market place, but also a kind of a club where one can meet friends and acquaintances; it is a public entertainment center, a place where news is spread by word of mouth.

At all seasons, the fruit and vegetable stalls feature an abundance of produce. But in summer and autumn, the oriental bazaar is particularly impressive, as the results of the farmers’ hard work is on display: rosy apples and honeydew pears; bunches of black, pink and amber sweet grapes; smooth and slightly furry peaches; prunes, yellow figs placed on green leaves; pomegranates with ruby seeds; and reddish-orange persimmons. The piles of huge watermelons and melons are also impressive.

In the past, the local farmers used to bring their produce on camels and donkeys, so near bazaar trading grounds, there used to be caravanserais for people and fenced with earthen barrier corrals for animals. Today salespeople and shoppers arrive at the bazaars by car, so parking lots and hotels have been added to the bazaars.

The bazaar’s active life starts early in the morning and ends when it gets dark. The unique atmosphere of the oriental bazaar is created by inviting shouts of the salespeople, automobile honks, sounds of national music, smells of spices and roasted meat, and fruit and vegetables of all colors.

With the words Khush kelibsiz!—Welcome!the bazaars of Uzbekistan open their gates and meet the guests with an abundance of exotic marvels.

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